About me
Hi! I am Sachintha and I am a PhD Student at the Martin Luther University Halle-Witternberg (MLU), at the Chair of Econometrics and Empirical Economics.
My research is focused on measuring the efficacy of climate policies, both in terms of environmental effectiveness and well-being. I am also interested in research related to improving governance, accountability and socio-economic living conditions in Sri Lanka, where I am from.
Before starting my PhD, I worked as an Economist at Verité Research, an independent think tank based in Sri Lanka, where I also served as the Team Leader of the Economics unit. At Verité, I engaged in a variety of projects addressing issues such as youth unemployment, female labor force participation, social welfare policies, and agricultural policy. I collaborated with organizations including UNICEF, UNDP, the World Bank, the European Union, CIPE and the Sri Lankan Government.
Contact details
I am happy to collaborate, please contact me at sachintha.fernando@wiwi.uni-halle.de.